All of our team are equipped every day to work remotely and we currently have members who work remotely from Brisbane to Melbourne, and our ‘Wizards’ team in India help increase our support and development hours for our clients, every day – all the time.
If you and/or your business are planning on working from home, we thought it might be helpful to share with you some of our top tips and tricks that help us to work effectively whilst being remote:
- Video conferencing over phone calls, this dramatically helps our communication, and overall meeting productivity not to mention the improved cultural aspects of putting team members face-to-face from all over the globe
- If one person is online (video conferencing), everyone is online. This has become one of our golden rules here at BrainStorm IT as it creates less of a barrier for the one person sitting behind a screen whilst everyone else is in the same room. It also means no side conversations that the person online can’t be part of, and creates an equal experience for all.
- We use Google Meets for our video conferencing and you can easily share screens and work real-time in online collaboration documents such as Google Docs.
- For when we need to ‘take over’ the control of someone’s computer we use Team Viewer – this enables control for the selected user and can save time in trying to explain what you mean when you can just show them.
- A good set of headphones is essential
- Slack is our go-to every day for team catch-ups, general chit chat, sharing personal stories, and helps everyone feel connected throughout the day
- We use BrainStorm IT’s own Time Tracker – to help manage all of our projects, schedules, sales, marketing, and more.
- And if need you need a Cheryl, then go for it, it might save a marriage (see pic below):
A quiet time in your organisation could represent an opportunity for you to supercharge your business systems and be ready for when the market changes.
This could be an optimal time for your company to explore those tech projects you have been holding off on, they may include some of our signature solutions:
- InBI – BI Strategy – have you thought about implementing BI into your business, we recommend you start with a BI strategy first.
- DeBI – a delivery system with traceability, transparency, accountability and efficiency.
- MoBI – is a mobile sales rep product – do you have a mobile sales team? We have the perfect solution offering the best possible functionality.
- MeBI – send well designed and smart read automated emails with attachments and document tracking directly from CSI.
- CoBI – a single configuration, quotation and order system that guides customers to their solution and generates effortless communication surrounding a known product quality, place and time.
- WareBI – Warehouse management system configured to be exactly what you need, save time and money with our simple solution.
Find out more here about our solutions.