If you are in finance and thinking of using or currently using Infor Cloudsuite Industrial Sytelines ERP (CSI), our expert Evelyn Carter details how to use one of its analytic tools dataviews.
Dataviews is a great tool for analytical reporting and it has the same look and feel as Excel.
A great example of why this tool is so beneficial – If you’ve ever had a core team member leave the business and there was no real logic behind how they did their monthly reporting there’s no catchup required if you have dataviews. This tool keeps it all in your ERP giving your company transparency and a productivity gain as your team won’t be having to replicate numbers each month.
Dataviews gives you the ability to build logic into a report within the ERP so it’s documented and can be used by anyone in the company.
See how easy it is to use by watching Evelyn’s demonstration in the video below.