After the recent Climate Change Summit in Egypt 6- 20 November 2022 Australia is now ranked last out of 60 countries on climate change policy and the majority of the country is not happy about it with many companies left to their own devices to implement green policies within their organisation.
Here are some ways you can implement greener objectives.
We hope it helps.
Tip 1 – Go Paperless and move your business to the Cloud
If you are still using manual processes to conduct your business, why not consider moving everything to the cloud? This not only makes things more cost effective and efficient but will also help the planet by cutting out the use of ink, paper and endless office supplies.
According to DocuSign, they have seen the benefits of going paperless through thousands of companies. Using electronic documents for contracts saved Fuji Xero Australia 3000 hours per year and $36 per document.
Over the past four years the Asia Pacific Region has saved almost 100,000 tree’s by going paperless. This is the equivalent of taking almost 7000 cars off the road for a year or saving 33 million kilograms of carbon dioxide from hitting the atmosphere.
Tip 2 – Get Fuel Efficient with a Delivery Automation Tool
With fuel prices at a premium and the uncertainty of when it might become cheap again, it’s time to implement a cost effective Delivery Automation Tool to reduce the carbon footprint with better routing and driving efficiencies.
Combined with the energy sector, the transport and delivery sector contribute roughly 70% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and it isn’t slowing anytime soon with the transport/ delivery industry moving in an upward scale.
Most delivery management software platforms tend to focus more on the whereabouts of the delivery and less on the efficiency of the route, costs and impact, however BrainStorms delivery automation system DeBI includes; workflow automation, dispatch, route optimisation, GPS tracking, and proof of delivery sign-on glass. Saving your delivery team, time on the road, fuel, lessening the carbon footprint, giving your organisation more money in the pocket and saving you time.
Knowing how to best optimise your delivery fleet will have a huge effect on your business and on the environment.
Tip 3 – Warehouse Management System
Cut down on wastage with a warehouse management system that keeps track of your stock. Know what your inventory levels are at all times so you don’t over-order and waste stock.
Overproduction has a huge impact on the environment and on any business. The major effects of overproduction generate more waste, emit more greenhouse gases, contribute to deforestation and much more.
While we’re talking stock, maybe rethink your packaging and eliminate plastic where you can; In 2018 America alone was responsible for 35.7million tons of plastic waste and whilst they represent less than 5% of the world’s population, Americans consume 17% of the world’s energy and account for 15% of the World’s GDP and is majorly due to overconsumption and wastage.
The right Warehouse Management Solution is one of the best solutions to keep track of your inventory, so that there is no more over-ordering and will assist in eliminating some of the waste in the world.
Tip 4 – Look out for Carbon manufacturing grants
Something Australia is looking at doing is increasing funding into the area of manufacturing, to stop reliance on other countries for the delivery of goods and to support the transition to decarbonisation and net zero emissions.
One grant that is currently in progress is through the Victorian Government.
Click here to view it and keep an eye on the state and federal government website’s to take advantage of these continued opportunities.
Remember every little bit helps, whether you’re a small or big business if everyone does their part, it will begin to make an impact.
Some of our software might be just the solutions you’re looking for. Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can help you become a more sustainable company.