The significance of cybersecurity is undeniable and continues to be a pressing concern. According to Statista’s recent report, the global average cost per data breach reached 4.45 million U.S dollars in 2023. It’s evident why this issue has catapulted to the forefront of companies’ priorities.
The real anxiety comes from knowing that you can never rest. There will always be bad actors with malicious intent evolving their strategies and attempting more creative breaches. While companies will continue to follow best practices, it requires vigilance, resources, talent, and continual education to stay ahead.
However, if you partner with a cloud company, they will take responsibility for most of that burden. Trusted cloud companies follow the latest security standards and privacy practices. The number and variety of experts they employ to protect their customers are much greater than any single company would typically be willing or able to invest. You can read more about Infor’s cloud security credentials here.
Companies with legacy IT applications are already shouldering the daily maintenance and management of the solution with the continual pressure to innovate and expand their enterprise ecosystem. When you add the extra burden of continually monitoring for malicious new security threats, it likely feels like an un-winnable war.
One of the reasons Infor’s customer Winchester Electronics moved to the cloud was because “Amazon Web Services (AWS®), has better resources to maintain high-security standards than we could ever have.”
Moving to the cloud can produce a fundamental shift in the allocation of your resources and budget, refocusing on strategic initiatives and leaving the bulk of your enterprise application management, maintenance, and, more importantly security, to a trusted partner.