Five ways technology can help with Staff Shortages
Does this sound familiar in your area – shops/ cafes/ restaurants are closed one day and open the next, or B2B&C businesses are now in post-pandemic freedom struggling to get workers on the factory floor or in the driver’s seat to deliver.
Owners, CEO’s, and General Managers are facing sleepless nights and questioning how they are going to open the next day, or deliver on their promises to their customers.
Whether it is the great resignation, #QuietQuitting or a generation that couldn’t travel for so long and have now packed up (yes – we see you posting your pics all over instagram with those oh-so blue European waters) – what we are facing is the great staff shortage.
But wait there’s more – throw in inflation and pay rises (big rises), and all of a sudden companies are going into the red and unable to stay afloat #QuietlyGoingUnder.
So what can you do, what are some of the options and ways that technology can help you overcome these challenges around staff shortages?
We have outlined what we think are the 5 top and quickest ways to help with staff shortages and either make your processes faster therefore employing less resources or repurposing great resources onto necessary work:
- One of the easiest and best ways to adopt automation is to have a look at any part of your business where you manually input data. For example, do you manually input data from your online commerce store to then fill the order back house? If you do, there are absolutely better ways to do this – depending on what tools you are currently using there’s a range of ways we can connect data through an integration – letting the technology do this manual data entry for you.
- Creating quotes, if you have a business where you believe you have to custom quote or if you are quoting jobs individually, there is a better way. With the right data and the right tool, (it is called CoBI) you can create quotes on the go, actually you don’t even have to create the quote – it can be done by your customer inputting their data and is completely automated. And yes, even for custom jobs, if your client can dream it then you can quote it right? (right?).
- Paper – wherever you use paper you can streamline the process into a digital flow. Think sign on glass, warehouse floors, packing orders, driving routes, and for the real adventurous – schedules.
- Pricebooks, if you are manually doing pricebooks. Stop it, stop it now. We have proven we can in fact turn what used to take a week to put together for a pricebook, it now takes seconds.
- You cannot fix what you don’t see – what are you missing here, where is your business leaking cashola and where could you be saving? Implementing a BI solution with a strong strategy (see InBI our Business intelligence solution) on how we can help you realise the insights you need.
We hope this helps a little and might spur on some out of the box thinking – which is what we love and are always happy to have a conversation about what your ideas are in terms of getting your business back into flow, making money, and giving employees a better experience at work.
The alternative is you could do what Sushi train have – robotic waiters, called suzumo. Not sure we are all too ready to loose that customer service interaction just yet.

Thanks for reading,
If you genuinely want to find out how we can help your business, you can contact us here (we actually do read these emails).